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Join The Steam Plough Club

Founded in 1966 by the late Harold Bonnett, the Club exists to further interest in steam cultivation – not just keeping the tackle operating – but passing on the old skills for future generations to enjoy.
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The steam engine stands on the headland and hauls the implement to and fro by means of a wire rope. All treading and compression of the soil and sub-soil associated with horse cultivation is thereby entirely avoided and the implement is driven at a much more rapid pace, throwing up the soil to a greater depth and in a loose state enabling it to derive full benefit from the influences of the atmosphere

David Greig, September 1867
The Steam Plough Club provides its members with:-
  • A quarterly journal – the Steam Plough Times

  • Technical advice

  • Working instructions for steam ploughing machinery

  • Safety guidelines for crews and event organisers

  • Engine & implement records

  • Engine classes identification

  • In-house publications & DVDs

  • The opportunity to meet like minded enthusiasts

  • Visits & meetings

  • Access to Steam Plough Times – A Searchable Index Of the Contents Archive.

Current membership fee is £30 a year, if you pay online the cost is £31