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Committee Meeting minutes and Reports
These minutes are privileged and this information is for the personal use of members only.  They should not be copied outside of the membership or published.
Participants:  Mark Jones (Chairman), Sean Symons (Vice Chairman), Richard Eastwood (secretary), Richard Playdon (treasurer), James Hodgson (President & Membership Secretary), Paul Ransley, Joe Nourish, Guy Debes, John Billard (Vice President)
1. Chairman’s opening remarks   
The Chairman, Mark Jones, welcomed and thanked all who had joined the phone conference to discuss the business of the Committee. He reflected on restrictions in place for meetings and movement across the country and the impact of these measures on Club activities and steam related events. While hopeful that the situation would improve next year, he said we should have concern that these may continue for some time and prepare for this.
2. Apologies
Peter Longfoot (editor), Richard Jackson (Vice President), Mike Beeby
3. Minutes of Committee meeting held on 16th May 2020
The draft minutes, as revised after comments, were accepted as a true record.
4. Matters arising
Great Challenge Ploughing Match
The proposed September Challenge was cancelled in August with committee’s agreement.
Society of Ploughmen, British National Ploughing Championships
The Society cancelled the 2020 British National Ploughing Championships & Country Festival to be held at Mindrum Mill, Mindrum, Northumberland, over 11th and 12th October. It was intended to hold the 2021 Championships at this same venue over the 9th & 10th October.
Biennial Lunch
The 2020 Biennial Lunch was cancelled with Committee’s agreement. It was agreed to consider holding this in 2021 at the next meeting. Paul Ransley offered to make arrangements should this go ahead.
Barry Finch Honorary Membership
James Hodgson advised that he had received a letter of thanks from Barry Finch regarding the award of  honorary membership.  Barry offered to assist with the supply of photographs for the club should these be required.
John Fowler Exhibition at MERL
It was noted that the Museum of English Rural Life remained closed until September and the planned John Fowler Exhibition did not take place in June. It was reported that Caroline Gould was considering going ahead with this on an on-line basis and that she would let John Billard know how the Club might make a contribution. 
Robert Oliver Tribute
John Billard advised that a framed photograph of Robert Oliver with suitable caption had been presented to the Museum of English Rural Life to be hung in the Reading Room. A copy had also been sent to Helen Oliver.
5. Secretarial Report
The Secretary, Dick Eastwood, advised that the main Club business of note over the past 4-5 months had been the filing of the confirmation statement with Companies House for the period ending 23 August – the anniversary of our incorporation. This annual requirement confirms the status of the company, its registered address, its business and details of the Directors.
6. Treasurer’s report
The Treasurer, Richard Playdon, provided a summary of the accounts at 15th November. Club finances were healthy and provision had been made for printing the December issue of SPT and ongoing running costs for the Club to the year end.
The accounts for year ending 31st December 2019 had been submitted to HMRC and Corporation Tax had been paid.
Expenditure included purchase of thirty copies of “An Introduction to Cable Cultivation” DVD,  a collection of Fowler Engineering drawings from Mike Goodman’s estate, annual insurance for the two ploughs on loan from the Nottingham City Museums and Galleries, and, renewal of membership of the Federation of Historic British Vehicles Clubs.
The Chairman noted the Treasurer’s request for committee members to consider long term investment options for a bequest from the estate of a late member. Mark proposed to defer discussions until such time as face-to-face meeting was possible. The Treasurer supported this proposal.
Richard noted that thanks to Peter Longfoot’s efforts the charges for the September newsletter had been reduced owing to the mailing list errors introduced by the Printer.
7. Membership Secretary’s report
The Membership Secretary, James Hodgson, reported that there had been 11 new members so far this year.  Cancellation of the Great Dorset Steam Fair did not help recruitment. Membership was currently around 350 after removal of those who had not renewed their subscription.
8. Records Update
Dick Eastwood reported that an updated List of Ploughing Engines in the UK and Ireland, dated September 2020, was now available in the Members Only area of the web site. Also, additions and amendments to the 2017 United Kingdom and Overseas Engine and Implement list No. 9 published by the Steam Plough Club were now available for viewing and to download in the Members Only area. They were in the same A5 format as the publication and could be slipped into the Engine List.
He proposed to begin preparations in 2021 for a full revision of the Engine and Implement List with a view to publication of issue No.10 in 2022. Members would be invited to participate in verifying records and reporting new items and changes. It was agreed to discuss further in the next meeting.
9. Editor’s report
The editor, Peter Longfoot, made his apologies for his absence from the meeting. He had advised committee that the December Steam Plough Times was almost complete save for items that arose during the meeting.  
The Ward & Dale history booklet had been reprinted and was now available for sale.
10. Web site, Communications etc.
The President, James Hodgson, had circulated to committee prior to the meeting an update on progress with regard to discussions on the handover of the website on the retirement of Anne Garrison (web site provider)  in August 2021, and, John Billard’s intention to step down from his role as Club contact point with Anne.
James reported that he would be contacting several potential website designers for discussions and to find out if any were interested in taking on the Club’s website. He had also outlined the sequence of events with regard to the transfer of the website once a new supplier had been selected. The aim was to have a new system up and running by June 2021.
James had consolidated comments and prepared a role description for someone to take on responsibility for liasing with the new web provider and working with Committee to promote the Club by keeping the site up to date and relevant – to members plus the wider steam community. It would include use of the web mail facility. This communication role was to be advertised in the December newsletter.
Thanks were given to John and Anne for their help and guidance in this ongoing activity.
It was noted that the NTET had introduced new membership categories and charges but had not made any reference to Affiliated Membership. A renewal reminder had been received for £30 and it was hoped this would remain unchanged.
Membership of the FBHVC was renewed at the end of May.  
Enquiries had been made with regard to holding the 2021 AGM at MERL. The Chairman hoped this might be possible. The Secretary added that consideration should be given to conducting the business of the AGM via the newsletter should restrictions still be in place. He suggested a fuller report from the Directors in the March newsletter together with voting forms for the members to indicate their views on any proposals including election of Officers and committee members.
Recognition of 50 years + Membership
The Secretary raised the subject of recognition of 50 years and more of membership by a number of members who had already achieved this milestone. It was proposed and agreed that those not already life members should be granted Honorary Life Membership. The President was to write to each and the Secretary was to prepare an entry for the newsletter.
Steam Plough Trophy
A proposal was made that the committee give thought to renaming the Steam Plough Trophy to “The Davies-Pierce Trophy” as a reminder of the origins of the Great Challenge. Committee members had expressed their views and the majority were not in favour. Alternatives were proposed. The Chairman asked that this be discussed further in the next meeting.
Future Events
Joe Nourish offered to host a Hands On weekend at his farm in 2021. The Chairman thanked Joe and offered his full support.
2021 Calendar
John Billard advised that this would be made available on 1 December and be downloadable via a link in the email to members.
Further Lockdowns
John Billard suggested the committee should make contingency plans in case no events were possible in 2021. He also suggested that more effort should be made to promote the Club through the media.
Replacement Materials for Engines & Tackle by Mike Goodman
Paul Ransley asked if there were still plans to publish this subject written by Mike Goodman, and how far it had got? He considered this needed to be pursued before what had been written became outdated. After discussion, the Chairman agreed to take this up with Peter Longfoot who held the materials referred to.
Membership & Promotion of the Club
Discussion took place with regard to promoting the Club, publicity and increasing the Club’s appeal to the younger generation. Suggestions included providing support and resources to members across the country willing to undertake presentations to clubs and societies; short film clips featuring club activities such as the Hands On; encouragement from engine owners and crews to youngsters willing to get involved; and submissions to the media. It was agreed this be considered further at the next meeting.
More on the Web: John Billard advised that there were over 4,000 photographs that had been used on the web site. These were mainly of club events going back to year 2000 from various sources including himself. He was going to review these and would report back in due course.
14. The Meeting commenced at 19:15 and was concluded at 21:00 hours.
Dick Eastwood, Secretary,