The Committee meeting was conducted by phone conference, with seven participants, after the planned meeting on 6th November at the Didcot Railway Centre had to be cancelled.
Club finances are healthy and provision has been made for printing the December issue of the newsletter, ongoing running costs, and, to reorganise the website and associated matters. Income from fees and donations for the Hands On weekends, plus the Club’s sponsorship contribution has been balanced against expenditure. The accounts for the year ended 31 December 2020 have been submitted to HMRC and Corporation Tax of £26 paid.
Based on renewals of subscriptions to date Membership is around 353. There have been 18 new members this year up to the meeting date.
The September newsletter was unfortunately not published until the end of October owing to a number of factors and apologies are made to members.
The development of the new website is almost complete however no date has yet been set for the change-over pending resolution of the webmail features, PayPal facility and other minor outstanding issues
Agreement has been reached for the 2022 AGM to be held at Milton Keynes Museum on Saturday 9th April. The morning visit will be the Museum’s exhibits and displays. [These arrangements are of course subject to Government restrictions & advice at the time]
It was proposed and is agreed that the Club will organise a Great Challenge in 2022. The requirements have been provided to the potential hosts and when confirmation of the availability of adequate land and facilities is available more details will be announced.
Your committee has plans for a weekend of practical experience under instruction and supervision in 2022 specifically for youngsters. This will be based on the Club’s very successful Hands On events but on a smaller scale. Details will follow.
Contact has been made with Leeds museums & Galleries (LMG) regarding the extension of the Loan Agreements on the Fowler petrol Ploughing Engine, McLaren Diesel Windlass and Fowler FD3 Crawler Tractor on loan to the Club.
The next meeting is proposed for 12th February at Kidderminster Railway Museum.