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Protected: Steam Plough Times – A Searchable Index Of the Contents.

Below is the database of all articles, photographs and who was featured in the past issues of the Steam Plough Times.
The contents are from April 1967 to 2022.
Back issues of the newsletters from No.1 to No.129 are available in digital form for purchase by members. All orders will be processed by the Secretary at the current time.  To order please contact the The Archivist.
The database is in beta test mode.  All feedback and any help is welcome, please email Web Editor .
How to search the Database:
1: Scroll down to the bottom of the datasheet
2. Click on the full screen icon shown below in red circle –
3. A new window will open (The full-size workbook)
4. Click on the search bar at the top of the datasheet
and type in what you would like to find then press ‘Enter’ key. 
5. Select ‘Find next’ to move to next item match.  Select ‘Find all’ to see list of all matches.