The Club again put on a fine display of ploughing tackle in action at this year’s Great Dorset Steam Fair. It was reported that during the first two days there were many visitors with, at times, in excess of one hundred people watching the engines at work. The club stand enjoying, at the same time, a good trade in the merchandise that we had on offer. Trade and visitors tailed off somewhat mainly because of the extremely hot weather over the last two days of the event.
There were enquiries from the spectators about joining the club and three new members were enrolled. A number of interested people expressed a wish to join and said they would enquire through the website. Several members renewed their membership which follows a practice that has taken place for a good many years now. We welcome all new and renewing members and hope they find the activities of the club interesting.
The club helpers were kept busy answering questions about steam ploughing and the equipment.
We must thank the following for the time and help they gave the club during the event, Sean and Judy, Michael Beeby, John Rhead, Derek Saunders, Clive Flack and lastly and especially Bernard and Madeleine Weatherley.
We should also thank the members of the ‘back-room’. The tent, the signs, the merchandise stock all has to be transported to the event and it does not arrive without individuals’ time and expense to see that it does.
Peter Longfoot and Bernard Weatherley