Michael Owen Davies 1930-2021
We are saddened to learn of the passing of one of the club’s most honoured members. Michael Davies has died peacefully on 12 May. He was 90.
He will be remembered for encouraging steam ploughing ever since he bought and restored, with Bob Griffin, two Fowler BB1s in 1970 and the successful project to bring back six Z7 engines from Mozambique in 1976. Michael was always ready to pass on his knowledge and to encourage practical experience to anyone with a keen interest. As well as the SPC Michael was dedicated to working with the National Traction Engine Trust to ensure professional and safe working of engines of all types.
Michael served as President and Vice President and was awarded Honorary Life Membership of the Steam Plough Club. He was a kind and thoughtful man much appreciated by all who knew him.
Due to the ongoing COVID restrictions, there will be a private cremation (invitation only). Members of Michael’s immediate family are planning a thanksgiving/memorial service in the local church in due course when circumstances permit.
Details will be announced when we know more.
We offer our deep condolences to Jan, Anthea and Jeremy and families in their sad loss.
Those kind enough to send condolences should write to Anthea Davies. c/o Hill Farm, Dassett Road, Avon Dassett, Southam, CV47 2AA, or e mail anthea@antheadavies.com
John Billard 17 May 2021
(A further appreciation will appear in the September Steam Plough Times)