Founder Member Dies
We are very sorry to record the death of Brian Parsons on 1st November. He was member No 4 and attended the inaugural meeting at the Great Northern Hotel in Peterborough in December 1966.
Brian became the club’s first treasurer, a post he held for a year. He was part of an active team encouraging new members at club stands in early years and became the SPC safety officer in 1971 including a period on the committee. He became a regular contributor to the Steam Plough Times and greatly assisted Bill Smith as records officer deciphering and copying records at the Museum of English Rural Life at Reading. He always took an active interest in Club affairs and until recently regularly attended the annual general meeting wherever it was held.
Another link to the foundation of the club has been broken. We send our deep condolences to Mary and his family.
John Billard
14 November 2020